Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service through which KCPL obtains materials from other libraries for use by KCPL patrons. To be eligible for this service you must be a Kenton County resident and library cardholder with full borrowing privileges. To avoid delays, always check KCPL’s Online Catalog to see if we own before submitting I.L.L. requests.
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What kinds of materials are available thru ILL?
Out-of-print materials
Items missing or lost from KCPL collection
Copies of journal or newspaper articles
Microfilm or microfiche
Audiocassettes, compact discs and instructional videos and DVDs
What materials are not available thru ILL?
Current bestsellers or items in KCPL collection but currently checked out
Materials published in the last 18 months cannot be obtained (these materials should be a new item request)
Computer files and games
Rare books and other fragile, old materials
Theses and dissertations
Complete issues of magazines.
DVDs (movies newer than 18 months)
Interlibrary Loan
Kenton County Public Library
Independence Branch
c/o Varian Wilson
1992 Walton-Nicholson Rd.
Independence, KY 41051