Listen to history with our oral histories. We have some traditional audio recordings as well as videos on YouTube.
Listen to the audio files below to find out more about our former directors, Mary Ann Mongan & Wayne Onkst and the development of the Library.
Mary Ann Mongan Part One 2/2/2009
Mary Ann Mongan Transcript
Mary Ann Mongan Part Two 3/6/2009
Mary Ann Mongan Transcript
Wayne Onkst 4/9/2009
Wayne Onkst Transcript
Jewish Community Oral History Interviews
Interview with Zell Schulman and Dorothy Siegel
March 20, 2014
Veterans Oral Histories - YouTube
Veterans include: Thurman Wenzl, Ronald Parson, Roger Veon, Robert Galliccio, Orville Bryant, Leo Stauber, Ken Klingenberg, Edward Schuette, Ed Schroeder, Bill Germann, Dale Ashcraft
Kentucky Oral History Commission
The following oral histories are part of a collection of interviews sponsored by the Kentucky Oral History Commission to document the rich history of the Commonwealth’s many counties. Conducted by members of the Kenton County Historical Society and volunteers with the Community Scholars Program, this series of 26 interviews was recorded in 1977, 1978, 1980, and 1988.
The Kentucky Oral History Commission is a nationally recognized program that has provided for the collection of more than 25,000 oral history interviews. It was formed in 1976 by Governor Julian Carroll as the Kentucky Bicentennial Oral History Commission. The Kentucky Oral History Commission (KOHC), now part of the Kentucky Historical Society, reaches across the state to record and preserve the diverse stories that are a part of Kentucky’s rich and colorful history. A grant program that provides financial and technical assistance to academic and community oral historians is responsible for the collection of the majority of interviews. The commission also offers workshops, sponsors state conferences, and participates in collaborative projects with other agencies and institutions. More information is available on the Commission’s website.
Vincent Keller*
Devou Park
Lora Mae (Pat) Martin*
Education, Insurance, Peace Movement
Dillard Booth Hubbard, Part 2
Covington School System
Chester V. Mullins
Piner-Fiskbury – Dairy & Ice Delivery
Willard V. Benson, Part 2
Morningview – Agriculture
Ambrose H. Becker, Part 2
Lewisburg – General Information
Robert W. Elliot, Part 2
Fiskburg – Agriculture
Margaret A. Walsh
Park Hills – Devou Park & Kentucky Club
Leonard J. Connors
Latonia – Jockey Club
Clarence Gering
Latonia – Jockey Club
Carroll Burdick
Latonia – Jockey Club
Louis Marshall
Latonia – Jockey Club
J. T. “Tommy Long” Crawford, Part 2
Latonia – Jockey Club
Laura Marie Huesman Coby
Covington – General Life
Margaret Kohorst
Bert Monroe Layne, Part 2
Music Career/C&W music
Photo of Bert Layne
Ballard “Pappy” Raborn Taylor, Part 2
Music Career/Country music
Eileen Chase, Part 2
West Covington Willard Street neighborhood
Pauline “Stella” Staggenborg Coppel
Willard Street – West Covington
Alvin Bernard Aldemeyer
Willard Street – West Covington
Dorothy A. Battaglia, Part 2
West Covington – Fruit & Vegetable Stand
Gilbert Kingsbury, Part 2
Covington – KY Post
Pearl Seymour*
Covington – Rosedale Manor, Law & Politics
Edith Bales
Covington – Transporation & Religious Life
Ben & Mary Richardson Beers
Scrapbook & Family Information
Wallace “Wally” Gurren
Mainstrasse, Mr. Gurren shares a wealth of memories about his early life in this historic Covington neighborhood.
Faye Massey
Jim Gilliece
Use and Quotation Policy
Authorization must be granted by the Kentucky Historical Society (which includes the Kentucky Oral History Commission) to use or publish by any means any archival material to which the Society holds copyright. To obtain authorization, users will submit a completed Use Agreement to the Kentucky Historical Society Special Collections and Reference Services. Fees for all uses, excepting non-profit or other use, with the intent to enhance understanding of or appreciation for Kentucky’s heritage will be assessed on a case-by-case basis and added to the cost of reproduction.
Users may not alter, distort, or change in any way the text or the image to be used, unless otherwise authorized by the Society. Researchers are responsible for obtaining permission to publish by any means any material held at the Society but to which the KHS does not hold copyright. The Society is not responsible for any copyright infringement.
Users will not quote or otherwise reproduce in part or in whole any archival material, without citing the “Kentucky Historical Society,” and without giving explicit written acknowledgement of the collection from which it was obtained, as designated by the Society.
Users will present to the Kentucky Historical Society Special Collections & Reference Services one (1) copy of any publication using materials held by the Society or will provide any other proof of appropriate acknowledgment and citation as the Society will designate.
Only material that will not be physically damaged by the process of duplication will be copied. The Society reserves the right to withhold permission for the reproduction of any material involving unusual difficulty or great risk to the original.
Kentucky Historical SocietyKentucky Oral History Commission
100 W. Broadway, Frankfort, KY 40601
Fax: 502-564-0475
http://history.ky.gov *Please contact the Kenton County Public Library for histories with a * for use agreement.