Digitize and preserve your family photographs, documents, films and slides in the Local History and Genealogy Department at the Covington Branch.
To arrange a one-on-one photograph scanning appointment please contact us at (859) 962-4070.
Epson Perfection v600 Photo Scanner –
Scans the following items:
- Paper and Print Photographs (up to 8.5 x 14 inches)
- Documents, Scrapbooks, Letters and more
- 35 MM Negatives
- Slides (Kodak)
Scan file types:
Saves to Flash Drive or CD
Ion Technologies Film and Slide Converter –
Scans the following items:
- 35 MM Negatives
- Slides (Kodak)
Scan file type:
Saves to Flash Drive or CD
Wolverine Titan 8-in-1 Film to Digital Converter
Scans the following items:
- 135 Negative and Slide
- 127 Negative and Slide
- 126 Negative and Slide
- 110 Negative
- 110 Slide
- 8 mm or Super 8 mm film
- APS negative
Scan file types:
Saves to Flash Drive or CD