Microfilm – Associations

History & Genealogy

Microfilm Resources - Associations

Title Format & Call Number
Catholic Order of Foresters – St. Stephen Court No. 1380, Newport – Minute Books 1911-1946 -- 267.242 C363f 1911-1946

Confederate Veterans Association of Kentucky. --  061.69 C748v

Kenton County Bar Association Articles of Incorporation and Minutes 1901-1912. --  976.935 K367m

Kenton County Humane Society Minute Book 1895-1918. --  976.935 K367m

Knights of Pythias, Lodge #49 --  366.2 K71pd

Latonia Agricultural Association, Official Proceedings 1882-1909. -- 976.935 K367m

Lewisburg Neighborhood Association 1993-2000. --  976.935 L677n

Northern Kentucky Council for Retarded Children. -- 061.69 N874c

Northern Kentucky YMCA. -- 267.3 Y78.

Odd Fellows, Adams Lodge #188. -- 366.3 I38a.

Odd Fellows, Goodwill Lodge #62. -- 366.3 I38ge.

Odd Fellows, Lodge #219. -- 366.3 I38d.

Odd Fellows, Lodge #308. -- 366.3 I38b.

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