Community History - Ludlow
Ludlow Facts
Incorporated: 1864
First Plat: 1846
Founder: Israel Ludlow
First House: Elmwood Hall 1818
Population: 4,407 (2010 Census), 4,488 (2020 Census)
Overview History
Ludlow Lagoon
Ludlow, Kentucky is located in northern Kenton County on the Ohio River. The city is bordered by Covington to the east, Bromley to the west and Fort Wright to the south. Elmwood Hall, the first permanent residence in the city, was constructed in 1818.
In 1830, Elmwood Hall and most of the present day city was purchased by Israel Ludlow. It was Ludlow who platted the first streets and lots in 1846. The new village became popular with wealthy Cincinnati businessmen. These Cincinnatians constructed numerous large residences in the town, many of which still stand today.
The Commonwealth of Kentucky chartered the City of Ludlow in 1864. Residents of the city hoped that a local government would be able to regulate the infrequent and expensive ferryboat service to Cincinnati.
Ludlow changed from a rural area to a working class suburb in the 1870s with the arrival of the Cincinnati Southern Railroad (also known as the Queen and Crescent Railroad). Many new residents, especially German and Irish immigrants, were attracted to Ludlow by the ample supply of railroad jobs. This frequent and dependable railroad service also attracted many other new businesses to the community.
As the population of the city increased, new subdivisions were developed. Among these were Woodland Park and Ludlow’s Second Addition. Several hundred new homes were constructed in these areas, many in the Victorian Style.
Ludlow experienced another building boom in the years following the First World War.
In the eastern end of town, the Morningside Addition was constructed along the south side of Highway Avenue. Much of the city’s west end was also developed during this era on the former site of the Lagoon Amusement Park.
The baby boom following the Second World War filled Ludlow’s schools and churches. By 1950, the population had reached 6,374. Several new developments were built at this time including the 600 blocks of Laurel and Linden Streets. The 1950s also witnessed the development of the Ludlow Heights on the south side of Highway Avenue.
The population of Ludlow began to decline in the late 1960s. Many Ludlow residents were drawn to the new suburban cities located in to the south and west of the town. Smaller families also contributed to this decline. By the early 1980s, the population had stabilized at 4,500.
Today, Ludlow is known for its close-knit neighborhoods and excellent independent school district.
Project Participants:
City of Ludlow
Community of Faith Presbyterian Church
Ludlow Independent School District
Ludlow Veterans of World War II
Ludlow Volunteer Fire Department
Sts. Boniface and James Roman Catholic Church
Donald F. Bogart
Churches and Schools
First Baptist Church
First Church of the Nazarene
First Presbyterian Church
Ludlow Christian Church
Ludlow Independent School District
St. Boniface Church
St. Boniface & James
St. James
Wesley United Methodist Church
Floods, 1937
Floods, 1964
Floods, 1997
Lost in Yonkers
Ludco Terminals Inc.
Railroad Strike 1894
Streetcar Service
Sweetest Story Ever Told
Tornado, 1915
World War I
World War II
City Hall
Ludlow Police Department
Ludlow Volunteer Fire Department
Park (Albert S. Ludlow Memorial Park)
Street Names
Street Numbers and Signs
American Legion, Edgar B. Ritchie Post
Catholic Athletic Club
Cogrinco Country Club
Knights of Columbus, Kehoe Council #1764
Ludlow Auxiliary Police
Ludlow-Bromley Swim Club
News Enterprise
World War II Veterans of Ludlow
Armory Hall
Bentley House
Carneal, Thomas David
Duro Bag Manufacturing Company
Elmwood Hall
Farmers and Mechanics Bank
Farrell’s Pharmacy
First National Bank of Ludlow
Highpoint Senior Citizens Apartments
Home Savings Bank
Ideal Supply Company
Junior Order Building
Lagoon Amusement Park
Ludlow Heights Subdivision
Masonic Lodge Building
Morningside Subdivision
Odd Fellows Hall
Pullman Car Shops
River’s Breeze Condominiums
Rolfsen Hardware and the Rolfsen Building
Somerset Hall (Closson House)
Southern Railroad
Veterans Memorial
Allison, John
Balsly, Thomas L.
Bell, John
Boll, John H.
Brady, Neal “King”
Brown, Harry P.
Bruce, John Wesley
Bullock, Wilfred E. ‘Shorty’
Closson, Asa Burtin Jr.
Crowe, John E. ‘Bud’
Dehore, Andrew L.
Dillon, Thomas Xavier Sr.
Doerr, Charles E.
Farrell, John Patrick “Jack”
Fields, Brice F.
Goetz, Mary Ann
Goodenough, Joseph P.
Grimmeissen, David
Holloway, Gerald
Hoskins, William
Hunnicutt, John M.
Klosterman, Harold “Pete”
Latta, Alexander B.
Latta, G. Taylor
Ludlow Family
Martin, Stanley C.
Mershon, Carl J.
Mershon, William Ernst
Minogue, James
Monahan, Edward
Nie, Joseph ‘Nervie’
O’Sullivan, Patrick
Patterson, Anne Lee
Ritchie, Casper
Ritchie, Edgar Barrick
Schrage, Bernard “Pop”
Smith, Winfred W.
Stratton, Everett
Teed, Amos
Thomas, Edna E. Vogelsang
Wagman, Nicholas
Weaver, Jerome J.
White, Jeff B.
Wilcox, Harry Louis
Wilhoit, Howard Ray Jr.
Woolford, Charles