Ideal Supply Company
On September 4, 1906, articles of incorporation were filed in Kenton County to establish the Ideal Cement and Brick Company. The incorporators were: William S. Ludlow, Lena Coursey, and Jerome J. Weaver. A second incorporation was completed in 1912 under the name: Ideal Supply Company. The 1912 incorporators were: Jerome J. Weaver, Joel ward, William S. Ludlow, Ullie J. Howard, and Harvey Meyers.
Property was acquired along Adela Street. This part of the city had large deposits of gravel buried beneath the surface. Seven feet of surface soil on the property was removed (much of it was used to construct a fill at Rice Creek in Erlanger by the Southern Railroad). The gravel was then removed and sold to builders in the region and the Southern Railroad.
Over the years, the gravel portion of the business declined. Today, the operation focuses on the production of cement. The facilities also house a large hardware store. The Gaiser family has owned the business for many years.
Kentucky Post, September 5, 1906, December 12, 1912, p. 6, February 22, 1913, p.3.