Armory Hall
The articles of Incorporation for the Armory Hall Association of Ludlow were filed on October 9, 1877. The purpose of the organization was to buy property and erect an armory building for the Kenton Light Guards of Ludlow. The incorporators were: J. Nixon, S.J. Hedges, John Grace, M.R. Gravener, A.B. Closson Jr. Frank Millward, and C.A. Bentley.
Property was purchased on the east side of Carneal Street, and in 1877, the construction of the hall began. The frame building measured 80’ x 30’ and contained a large stage.
In 1887, the new St. James Catholic congregation purchased the hall for $3,127.36. Following a complete renovation, the hall began to be used by the congregation for divine services. When the new St. James Church was completed in 1904, the parish sold the Armory Hall. Eventually the building was demolished.
Ticket, October 10, 1877, p.3, Daily Commonwealth, October 17, 1877, p. 4.