Bromley - Traylor, Harry 'Pig Iron'
Harry “Pig Iron” Traylor was born on October 17, 1877 at Loveland Ohio to William Traylor and Julia Brockman Traylor. He was orphaned at the age of nine. As a young man, he worked on a farm. At the age of sixteen, Harry relocated to Ludlow, where he found work constructing roads. Later, Harry Traylor worked for the Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton Railroad. In time, he reached the level of yardmaster at the Cincinnati yards. During his days with the railroad, Traylor received the nickname “Pig Iron.” A large portion of his duties included the loading and unloading of “Pig Iron” in and out of the Cincinnati yards.
In 1913, Harry Traylor purchased the tavern of Herman Huntsman on Shelby Street in Bromley. The tavern became known as Traylor’s Café. During the era of prohibition, Traylor officially sold soft drinks at the café. However, in 1927 and 1928, he pled guilty to selling whiskey and producing home brew.
Harry Traylor married Maude Worstell who was born on December 21, 1879 in Covington. Maud was the daughter of John Worstell and Emiline Jones Worstell. Harry and Maude purchased the Landmark on Shelby Street from the Rothard family in 1915. The couple spent two years remodeling the home and beautifying the spacious grounds. At this time, the 5 ½ acre property included the main 18th Century house and four small cottages.
Harry Traylor died in his home on Shelby Street (the Landmark) on May 7, 1939. His wife Maud died on December 1, 1947. Both are laid to rest at Highland Cemetery in Fort Mitchell. The couple had one child, Dorothy Traylor Jennings. Dorothy Traylor Jennings and her husband Gordon Jennings opened the Lamplite Patio in the former Traylor’s Café building.
Kentucky Death Certificate for Maud Traylor; Kentucky Death Certificate for Harry Traylor; Kentucky Post, May 9, 1939, p. 4, April 12, 1928, p. 1 and November 26, 1927, p. 2; News Enterprise, November 11, 1988, p. 1; MS: “Landmark,” by Patricia Shadwick Stewart, 1974.