Bromley - Bible, Haskell McKinley
Haskell McKinley Bible was Bromley’s only casualty in the First World War. Bible was born on April 30, 1895 in Morristown, Kentucky. Prior to the outbreak of the war, Bible was working in Indianapolis as a printer. He was inducted in the United States Army on May 28, 1928. On August 22, 1918 Bible was sent oversees to the European theater.
As the close of the war approached, Bible was fighting in the trenches of France. His division was ordered to leave their defensive lines and make a frontal assault on the German trenches. Nearly one third of the division was killed in action. Army officials recorded Bible’s date of death as November 10, 1918, one day before the signing of armistice. Bible’s body was recovered 10 days later.
Bible’s mother died two days after being notified of his death. Mother and son were buried on the same day. Haskell McKinley Bible was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery in Washington D.C. and Mrs. Samuel Bible was laid to rest at Highland Cemetery in Fort Mitchell.
In November 1926, the residents of Bromley dedicated a sugar maple to Bible’s memory. The tree was planted in front of the city hall and small copper plaque was placed at its base. James J. Weaver of Ludlow presented a brief eulogy of Bible at the ceremonies. Members of the Ludlow Edgar B. Ritchie American Legion Post and Bromley Volunteer Fire Department were also present.
Kentucky Post, November 11, 1926, p. 1 and Kentucky Council of Defense World War Record of Haskell McKinley Bible.