Microfilm – Cemetery Records
Alexandria Cemetery -- 929.5 C192a
Allen County Cemeteries -- COLL Reel 1
Battlegrove Cemetery -- 929.5 H322b
Buena Vista -- KR 976.935 S156j
Carlisle County Cemetery Inscriptions -- 929.3 G326ah
Cemeteries of Campbell and Pendleton Counties -- KR 976.93 C394cp
Evergreen Cemetery -- 929.5 C192e
Gallatin Co. Family Cemeteries -- 929.5 G164cf
Grandview Cemetery -- 929.5 C192c
Highland Cemetery -- 929.5 K37h
Holy Guardian Angels -- 282 S1428j
Independence Cemetery -- 929.5 I38i
Kenton County Cemeteries -- KR 976.935 K37s
Knox County Cemetery Records -- 976.9 M678h2
Linden Grove Cemetery -- 929.5 K37 lm
Mary E. Smith African American Cemetery -- 929.5 C192c
Mother of God Cemetery -- 929.5 K37m and m2
Owsley County Cemetery Records -- 976.9176 C973c
Pendleton County Cemeteries -- 976.933 P398c
Plum Creek Church Cemetery -- 929.5 C192c
St. James Cemetery -- 282 S1428j
St. John Cemetery -- KR 976.935 S156j
St. Joseph Cemetery -- 282 S143jo
St. Joseph Cemetery -- 282 S143je
St. Joseph Cemetery -- 929.5 O37hsj
St. Patrick Cemetery -- 282 C363c
St. Patrick Cemetery -- 282 C363c
St. Stephen Cemetery -- KR 976.934 S153a
Warren County Cemeteries -- 929.3 B967g
Wesley Chapel Cemetery -- 929.5 C192c