Finding the Right Book for Your Child Who is Reading at a High Level

  • How can I find books for my children who are reading beyond their level?  This is tricky since the book still needs to be appropriate and appealing for the child. One helpful resource is Reading Beyond from the Children's Book Council. These are lists for kids who are reading above their grade level (mostly by 2 grade levels). They haven't been updated since 2020 and are a bit limited, but this is a good starting point for these kinds of questions.    
    • You could also use and choose a low interest level and then search higher book levels. You do need to sift through a lot of results, though.

    • As always, it is up to the parent to decide what is appropriate and right for their child. The library can help supply the books!

    • Here is a quick and easy guide for deciding if a book is the right difficulty for a child. This is probably mostly useful for beginning readers: